Monday, 28 February 2011

New Digs

Hi! (WARNING: Long Post)

It's a new year for our wee clubnight, and now we've a new venue. I was so stoked when Ronan told me we got The Menagerie! It's without a doubt, one of my favourite venues in Belfast, being quite intimate and full of charm (not to mention having a cracking line of beers on offer).

I think TrenchFoot will be right at home.

With the new poster I tried to reference us moving to the new venue, in using an image of some army dudes digging a trench. The type and image are cut up and reassembled, again because I was thinking of us taking the clubnight apart & putting it back together. Another feature I added (as an experiment mostly) was placing the image and logo at a different angle. This way we can hang the posters in two ways. I guess some people might be more stoked off an image than type (an vice versa). Gives the viewer a bit more to work with I feel.

We have allot of plans for the clubnight this year, moving to the Menagerie is just the start...

Thanks to Chris and also to the lovely Third Man Theme, for giving the event & poster some love.


Unknown said...

How do you lot celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Maybe I should pop over?

Tony Moore said...

Yeah man, if I'm around, do it. It's a Thursday this year I think, so I might not be free. I'll keep you posted!

Robbie said...

niiiice, your best yet no doubt. Maybe up the contrast on the image a little bit though? word