Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Creating the afterlife

I'm not a highly religious person but I saw this on YDN design guide and thought it was a great and a very interesting idea. Creating a battery out of yourself, after death and using the energy do undertake tasks that you wish and have declared when living. I think powering a camera to take specific images may be quite interesting. What would you use the power for?

YDN design guide is a pretty interesting podcast, its free to subscribe to. Lots of nice products and interviews feature in their videos.


Andy Clarke said...

pretty interesting that! as well as having the intimate purpose like the dildo or tooth brush I think it would be more viable possibly if the energy captured was put to a more social or industrial use.

Stephen said...

Thats quite morbid but amazing at the same time, its so cool that someone thought of that!

I dont know what i would like to be maybe the battery in an I-pod so i can hear all the music that comes out when im gone :D